Sen. Manny Pacquiao to Cocoy Dayao: “Yung kaisa isang gusto kong tanungin ng harap harapan wala dito”

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The Senators confirmed that the alleged website administrator behind #SilentNoMore and 19 other websites Edward Angelo “Cocoy” Dayao did not attend the senate hearing on fake news Thursday. Manny Pacquiao also showed his disappointment, after Dayao did not attend the senate hearing, but Grace Poe suggested that they can send a subpoena to the blogger on the next hearing.

“Yung kaisa isang gusto kong tanungin ng harap harapan wala dito,” Senator Pacquiao said during the senate hearing on fake news. Pacquiao said that he was also angered by the blog after he was tagged as the ‘most incompetent senator’.

Several days after the speech of Sotto and other majority senators, Cocoy Dayao went viral on the internet after pro-Duterte blogger RJ Nieto of ‘Thinking Pinoy’ and Sass Rogando Sasot of ‘For the Motherland’ released an expose on the alleged owner of several anti-Duterte websites which also lambasted the seven majority senators.
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